Terrell Elementary
"Home of the Terrell Texans"
230 W. Martin Luther King Drive - Denison, Texas 75020
Principal: Amy Neidert
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office - Mrs. Avery (903)-462-7550
Dr. Sandra Anderson - (903) 462-7565
Stephanie Paulson - (903) 462-7607
Fax- (903)-462-7609
Counselor- Mrs. Jones (903)-462-7683
Nurse- Mrs. Bryant (903)-462-7602
Cafeteria- (903)-462-7606
Campus Behavior Coordinator
Dr. Sandra Anderson - (903) 462-7565
E-mail: sanderson@denisonisd.net
Transportation Changes
Notify Mrs. Guerrero
Phone: (903)-462-7605
E-mail: cguerrero@denisonisd.net or
Mrs. Avery
Phone: (903)-462-7550
E-mail: javery@denisonisd.net
Lunch Information and Times
3rd grade 10:45-11:15
PreK 11:00-11:30
1st grade 12:00-12:30
2nd grade 11:15-11:45
Kindergarten 11:45-12:15
4th grade 12:15-12:45
Please check in at the front doors. You must have an ID to get a visitor's pass.
You may sit with your child on the stage. You may bring outside food, but only for your student. At the end of lunch, you will need to leave out the west cafeteria door through the courtyard. Please do not enter back into the hallway and you will not be permitted back to class with your student. Also, there are no adult bathrooms available.
Report Student Absences
Notify Carly Guerrero if your child will not be in attendance.
Phone: (903)-462-7605 E-mail: cguerrero@denisonisd.net
if your student is absent for 3 or more consecutive days, a handwritten note will be accepted for the first 3 days and a dr note will be required for the following days.
A partial day is an absence.
Notify the Main Office if you are transferring your child to another school.
Absences and Notes policy in the handbook >>
Click PDF icon to read >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Learning Times
7:15North End Doors Open
7:15 - 7:45 Breakfast Served in Cafeteria
7:30 Dismissed from Cafeteria to Classroom
7:45 Main Entrance Doors Open: If a student is tardy, the parent must sign them in.
7:50 Morning Announcements
3:08 Starting Dismissal
Friday Announcements

House Bill 3 Information
House Bill 3 requires school boards to establish and adopt five-year goals in the three areas of early childhood literacy proficiency, early childhood mathematics proficiency, and college, career, and military readiness (CCMR). Specific requirements in the areas of early childhood include annual goals for aggregate student growth on 3rd Grade Reading and Math STAAR at or above the Meets Grade Level performance level and for students in each group evaluated under the Closing the Gaps Domain (Domain III) under the current accountability system.
During the 2019-2020 school year, district and campus leaders worked collaboratively to analyze various progress measures related to these three areas, evaluate current levels of student performance, and develop five-year goals and annual targets focused on continued growth. District goals were established and then used to set appropriate goals at each campus in alignment with attaining the overall district goals. These goals will be embedded within the District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans as a focus for continued growth in these areas.