Terrell Elementary
"Home of the Terrell Texans"
230 W. Martin Luther King Drive - Denison, Texas 75020
Principal: Amy Neidert
Terrell Elementary
Physical Education
Notes from PE
From Coach Rowland and Coach Kelly welcome Pre K, Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade Texans!
We’re very excited to see new and familiar faces as we begin the 2021-2022 school year. Our goal in the physical education/wellness class is to provide students with opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and social interaction. Increased physical fitness improves heart/lung function, reduces body fat and decreases the risk of disease associated with unhealthy lifestyles. Involvement in physical activity has been shown to “positively affect grade scores of students in primary schools.”
Students will also learn and continue to refine skills and concepts centered around the following:
BODY AWARENESS (body parts and body shapes)
SPATIAL AWARNESS (moving through space by self and with others; moving in different directions at different levels, and on different pathways)
LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS (walk/run/hop/skip/jump/gallop/leap/slide)
EFFORT (giving their best; moving with variations in speed/force/control)
RHYTHMIC SKILLS (moving creatively to even/uneven rhythms)
MANIPULATIVE SKILLS (throw/catch/strike/swing/push/pull)
CHASING, FLEEING, DODGING (skills used in tag and other group games)
SPORTSMANSHIP/TEAMWORK (working together in cooperative and encouraging ways)
COOPERATIVE SKILLS (working together in groups or with partners)
The above categories are put into the contexts of appropriate activities, games, rhythms, units and so much more. All students’ abilities are kept in mind with the end result that each child is learning and being successful. ‘BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE’
This is a ‘group’ effort (TEAM): student, teacher, family, community! We appreciate you supporting and encouraging these goals for your child’s WELLNESS!
Be prepared to exercise/participate when coming into class. Students must wear appropriate/safe shoes per district policy. Appropriate/acceptable shoes are tennis shoes that have laces or slip on tennis shoes that do not fall off, Velcro or a zipper. Unsafe/unacceptable shoes are flip-flops, Crocs, sandals, clogs, cowboy boots, dress shoes, or any ‘heeled’ shoes. If student does not bring appropriate shoes two or more days in one week that student will not participate in “Free Friday” activities.
Girls must wear shorts under dresses and/or adhere to dress code concerning length of dresses and shorts. Skirts must also be appropriate length as to not have stomach showing. Boys must wear belts if shorts or pants sag or fall below acceptable levels when walking or doing any required activity
District policy dictates we don’t go outside during extreme heat or cold. Please dress your child according to the weather.
Medical (District/State guidelines)
Your child’s welfare is an important concern for us. If your child is ill/hurt, we request a written note from a parent/guardian. The note must explain the nature of the complication along with the date and parent/guardian signature. After 3 days of parent notes, a physician’s note will be required. Any child with a ‘long term’ injury or condition must bring back a medical release in order to be able to participate again in class.
All students must participate in daily vigorous activities. Grades are based on participation, behavior, attitude, effort and learning subject material. Remember also that we teach every student, so it is often difficult to report on every incident.
Below are our procedures for any needed disciplinary actions:
1st offense - VERBAL WARNING
2nd offense results in 1st mark -TIME-OUT
3rd offense results in 2nd mark – TIME-OUT AND NOTE HOME TO PARENT
4th offense results in 3rd mark - PRINCIPAL VISIT (inform parent by note and/or phone for escalated and consistent misbehavior and immediately for serious offenses)
*SERIOUS OFFENSES: fighting, bullying, unacceptable language, theft, destruction of PE equipment, or any other offense deemed serious.
Below is an example of a note sent home for 2 or more needed consequences:
Name________________________ Date______________
Talking at inappropriate time
Out of PE spot
Not keeping hands, feet, or objects to self
Not following directions
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DISD Physical Education will look a little different this year. DISD Physical Educators will be making adjustments to comply with guidelines provided by the Texas Education Agency, as published in our Campus Return to School Plan. By making these adjustments, we believe meaningful work will be accomplished by our students.
We also believe now, more than ever, there is a need for children to engage in purposeful physical education to ensure a successful transition back into school.
We want our students to feel safe, confident, and happy!