Located in the northwest area of Denison, Denison High School is home to our 9th through 12th grade classes.
Dr. Cavin Boettger principal cboettger@denisonisd.net

The Main Office is the first place you will visit at Denison High School.
Office hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Address: Denison High School | 4200 N. State Hwy. 91 | Denison, TX 75020
Phone: 903-462-7125
Fax: 903-462-7217

Call us! We can help...
Main Office
Please notify the school if your child will not be in attendance.
A note should be sent when your child returns to explain the absence.
A partial day is an absence.
Need a copy of your transcript?
Denison ISD Schoology Log-in Information:
Schoology is the Learning Management System that all students Pre-K through 12th Grade.
Username: First Name.Last Name
Password : 5-digt Student ID
For example, a student whose name is John Doe with an ID of 54321 would log-in with these credentials:
Username: john.doe
Password: 54321
Click the Schoology logo!
Denison ISD ClassLink Log-in Information:
ClassLink is the website that students log-in to have access to all programs that are used throughout the school day.
Username: First Initial + Last Initial + Student 5-digit ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate
For example, a student whose name is John Doe with an ID of 54321 and a birthdate of February 9, 2010 would log-in with these credentials:
His username would be jd54321
His password would be 02092010
Click the ClassLink logo!

House Bill 3 Information
House Bill 3 requires school boards to establish and adopt five-year goals in the three areas of early childhood literacy proficiency, early childhood mathematics proficiency, and college, career, and military readiness (CCMR). Specific requirements in the areas of early childhood include annual goals for aggregate student growth on 3rd Grade Reading and Math STAAR at or above the Meets Grade Level performance level and for students in each group evaluated under the Closing the Gaps Domain (Domain III) under the current accountability system.
During the 2019-2020 school year, district and campus leaders worked collaboratively to analyze various progress measures related to these three areas, evaluate current levels of student performance, and develop five-year goals and annual targets focused on continued growth. District goals were established and then used to set appropriate goals at each campus in alignment with attaining the overall district goals. These goals will be embedded within the District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans as a focus for continued growth in these areas.
To request your official Verification of Enrollment (VOE), transcripts, etc., please email Denison High School directly to the link below and your document will be mailed to your home address.
For more information and updates, visit our Safety and Security page on the Denison ISD site.
This website is for parents, guardians, relatives, and other adults helping a student plan for college. Sign up to receive emails and texts with college info, advice, and reminders.
To get started... CLICK HERE!
If you have lost your ID and need to order another one click on this link...
Cost is $5

Child Find is a legal requirement that Local Education Agency (LEA) find all children who have disabilities and who may be entitled to special education services.
Child Find covers every child from birth through age 21.
The LEA must evaluate any child that it knows or suspects may have a disability.
You may not have heard of the Child Find mandate. It’s a legal requirement for schools to find children who have disabilities and need services. Identifying these kids is an important first step toward getting them the help they need to succeed in school.
A request for a special education evaluation may be made verbally; it does not need to be made in writing. Districts must still comply with all federal prior-written notices and procedural safeguard requirements as well as the requirements for identifying, locating, and evaluating children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education. However, a verbal request does not require the district to respond within the 15 school-day timeline.
For more information on the Region 10 Child Find program, CLICK HERE.
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