Located in the northwest area of Denison, Denison High School is home to our 9th through 12th grade classes.
Dr. Cavin Boettger principal cboettger@denisonisd.net
Denison High School Library
Circulation Procedures
Students with internet access may locate, preview, hold and renew all print and electronic resources thru the online library card catalog (click on the name here or go to the LIBRARY HOME page and click on the icon) FOLLETT DESTINY. Students can also search for books by title, author, or series.​
All library materials must be checked out at the circulation desk by a Library Staff Member.
Students must know their ID number to check out materials.
To return borrowed materials, students may use the drop box that is located at the circulation desk or the cafeteria.
Materials used in the library may be returned to the circulation desk. To avoid shelving errors, students should not return books directly to the shelf.​