Upcoming Events​​​​​​
​​​Dec. 20 (Fri.)
Early Release at 12:15 pm
​​​Dec. 23 - Jan. 3
Christmas Holidays (No School)
​​​Jan. 6 (Mon.)
Staff Work Day (No School)


Report Student Absences and Transfers
Notify the Main Office if your child will not be in attendance.
A note should be sent when your student returns to explain the absence. (A partial day is an absence.)
Notify the Main Office if you are transferring your child to another school.
important phone numbers
Main Office (903) 462-7200
Mon. - Fri. , 7:30 - 3:45 pm
Principal's Secretary, Jackie Gasca (903) 462-7264
Registrar, L.J. Smith (903) 462-7267
Attendance Clerk, Teresa Prince (903) 462-7270
Nicole Kelley, 5th Grade (903) 462-7233
Bobbie Hander, 6th Grade (903) 462-7232
Brittany Maynard (903) 462-7236

Denison ISD ClassLink Log-in Information:
ClassLink is the website that students log-in to have access to all programs
that are used throughout the school day.
Username: First Initial + Last Initial + Student 5-digit ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate
For example, a student whose name is John Doe with an ID of 54321 and a birthdate of February 9, 2010 would log-in with these credentials:
His username would be jd54321
His password would be 02092010
Take the
B. McDaniel
Virtual Tour
information for
parents and students.

If college is part of your child’s future, we’ve got a plan to help save for it. The Texas Tuition Promise Fund® allows you to lock in current undergraduate tuition rates and schoolwide required fees at Texas public colleges and universities, excluding medical and dental institutions. Tuition units purchased in the plan may be used for all or a portion of these costs,
and our flexible payment options fit almost any budget.
It’s easy to open a Texas Tuition Promise Fund account.
And, the sooner you start, the more affordable a college education could be.