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LIBRARY RESERVATIONS - If library is needed for research purposes please sign up for a day and time in advance with an email.
SUPERVISION - Teacher's are required to supervise their classes while
in the library.
MATERIALS FOR TEACHER USE - Teacher's may check out library materials and books for extended periods of time for classroom and personal use. All materials are collected at the end of the school year for inventory purposes.
RESOURCES FOR TEACHER USE - We have CD players and headphones.
SUBSTITUTES - SHOULD NOT send students to the library without prior authorization from Mrs. Means.
B.McDaniel subscribes to numerous electronic resources for research that students with internet access can use both at home and at school.
Please see Mrs. Means for the login and password information.
Click on icons below to begin your search.
Interactive tool to help create reference citations for research papers and check plagiarism as well as grammar.
Interactive tool to help create works citied entries, Bibliogrophies and can check plagiarism and grammar.
ONE LOOK - you can find multiple definitions from numerous dictionaries in one place
This site compiles videos on almost any topic from all the various video services out there.
The largest free library in the world.
NEWSELA - Current event at Grade level
OPEN LIBRARY - this webpage has every book ever written and offers more than 250,000 free ebooks.
WORDS TO USE - new word reference that groups subject related words by parts of speech.
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