Gifted & Talented Program
Identified G/T students
All identified students who meet the qualification standards will be offered an accelerated academic program with units in math, language arts, social studies, and science. These units are taught in a "pull-out" program from the regular classroom instruction. The amount of time for specific G/T instruction will be determined by grade level and scheduling restraints.
Opportunity to Participate
Where class size allows, students who do not qualify for the G/T program, but show a strong interest or aptitude in one or more of the core academic areas may be allowed to participate in the sessions that pertain to their area of strength. Placement will be based on test data, teacher recommendation, and space availability.
Elementary Program
Five teachers are employed to deliver Gifted and Talented curriculum to students in the Denison elementary schools. The program consists of: (1) G/T instruction for all identified G/T students in the four core academic areas, (2) "Opportunity to Participate" in the accelerated program for students who score high but do not qualify for G/T identification (space available).
Secondary Program
Students identified for G/T services will receive academic instruction in the four core areas, math, language arts, social studies, and science in our Advanced courses and Advanced Placement (AP) program. Classes will be scheduled to provide advanced and challenging instruction in each area. Dual Credit courses through Grayson College are also available for our students.
Students at the high school level will be encouraged to participate in the Socrates Program and to pursue Performance Acknowledgements above their chosen Endorsement. The Socrates Program is an initiative of the Denison Independent School District to encourage each student to achieve to his or her maximum potential. The program will honor Denison High School students who have completed four years in each of the core areas, eight credits in Advanced courses and AP classes and a minimum of a 3.5 GPA.
Students will be screened to determine if additional testing for entrance into the G/T program is recommended. Nominations may be made by parents and/or school employees.
Group Assessments
Screening of all Kindergarten students during the first semester is conducted to determine students who perform at remarkably high levels of academic
accomplishment relative to age peers. Achievement Testing and Intellectual testing is administered when appropriate.
During the first semester, screening is conducted of all 1st grade students. The COGAT is administered to each 1st grade student. Additional academic testing is conducted for students scoring in the 89th percentile or higher according to local norms on the COGAT.
Screening is conducted of 2nd grade students by teachers during the first semester.
The COGAT is administered to each third grade student. Additional academic testing is conducted for students scoring in the 89th percentile or higher according to local norms on the COGAT.
Screening is conducted of 4th grade students by teachers during the first semester.
The COGAT is administered to each fifth grade student. Additional academic testing is conducted for students scoring in the 89th percentile or higher according to local norms on the COGAT.
Recommended Standards for Entrance into the Program
IQ = 89th percentile or higher according to local norms
National Standardized Achievement Test Reading = 89th percentile or higher
National Standardized Achievement Test Math = 89th percentile or higher
National Standardized Achievement Test Survey Composite = 89th percentile or higher
Parent and Teacher Survey
Grades 1 and 2
Five of the five required criteria must be present to be identified as gifted and talented.
Grades 3-5
Four of the five required criteria must be present to be identified as gifted and talented.
Selection of Students for Entrance Into the Program
Final selection of students for services in the G/T program will be determined by a committee of three; including the G/T teacher assigned to that campus or course, campus principal, and campus counselor. Based on a review of information gathered during the assessment process, the selection committee will recommend placement of students in the G/T program.
Appeals Procedures:
Campus Level
1) Schedule a meeting with the screening committee and the parent.
2) Listen to the reasons for the appeal by the parents.
3) Explain the criteria for entrance into the G/T program. Show the parent/s the data obtained for their student.
4) Explain why the decision for denial was made.
Central Office Level
If parents are still not satisfied, they may appeal the decision to the central office. An appeal form must be completed stating the reasons for thinking the student should qualify. The completed form should be sent to the central office. A meeting to review the request will be scheduled. Participants on the committee for elementary will include the District G/T coordinator, a principal on the advisory committee, and a G/T teacher not serving the student. At the secondary level, the committee will include the District G/T Coordinator, a secondary administrator, and a secondary counselor who did not make the initial campus decision. Any ruling made by the committee may be appealed to the Superintendent.